Thursday, December 26, 2019

Global Leadership Free Essay Example, 1750 words

Depending on the situation, time is important in terms of finding solutions on a short-term or long-term basis. With regard to the aspect of nature as an area to explore, it is necessary to reconcile the inner and outer worlds. Numerous challenges exist at the workplace environment, and reconciliation plays an important role in managing the workplace environment (Valentin, 2001). Threats Change in income is a threat in terms of affecting my personal development either positively or negatively. Income is a motivator in terms of improving an individual’s competence in their area of specialization. However, a low income tends to affect the morale to keep learning new ideas in a particular area of specialization (Valentin, 2001). General Motors current status in terms of cultural intelligence practices As a multinational company, General Motors has its plants spread across the world and as such, the company has to work with people from different cultural backgrounds both locally and abroad. In a culturally diverse workplace, cultural tolerance is important in enhancing employee involvement. Since workers in the company are from different cultural backgrounds, they hold different values and belief systems. We will write a custom essay sample on Global Leadership or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now For instance, what is viewed right in one geographical area may be seen as inappropriate in another geographical location. As such, ensuring that workers understand each other’s belief system requires the development of competencies necessary to accommodate differences in culture. In terms of personal development among employees, recognition, respect, reconciliation and realization are necessary for working effectively across cultures. The Company needs to emphasize on awareness among its employees as it is important in understanding different cultural variations. General Motors employs workers across international borders, and it is important for the workers to inculcate competencies such as worldly consciousness, recognize diversity of ideas and practices and have knowledge of global dynamics (Morley & Cerdin, 2010). In a competitive business environment, understanding worldview of different cultures can help the Company to develop working modalities that capture the needs and aspiration of workers from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the management of the General Motors should also engage in accommodating different ideas and practices. Working across culture requires the Company to recognize the skills and experience of workers in the regions that the Company has established a plant.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Supreme Court Case Wisconsin Vs. Theu.s. - 2219 Words

Alina Ramos Mrs. Heyl US Government Honors 2 December 2014 Supreme Court Case: Wisconsin vs. Yoder The United States Founding Fathers built this country, the United States, around three branches of federal government: Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch. All three of these branches contain equally amount of power. Also these branches are granted the power to keep the other branches from gaining too much power. The Executive Branch has the power to veto a bill, while the Legislative Branch has the power override the veto. But some will say that the checks and balances that the Judicial Branch has are most important checks and balances of all three branches. The Judicial Branch is made up of all the court systems in the United Sates (lower and federal courts). The highest court is the United States Supreme Court; their mission â€Å"to enforce the Constitution and the laws of the United States and to resolve legal questions that arise over how these laws are to be interpreted.† (Savage 981) How does the US Supreme Court do this? By taking great â€Å"legal questions of the day† (Savage 982) or case and making a decision. But the US Supreme Court is very picky on what case to take. They only take cases that involve with the federal law; state law stays within the state courts. The US Supreme Court only chose cases that have already been heard by all the lower courts. The side that was against can ask for the US Supreme Court to appeal the case by creating a cert

Monday, December 9, 2019

Civility in The Workplace free essay sample

Cleverly Is often thought of as good manners. Civility is based on recognizing that all human beings are important. It is not the same as discrimination. Incivility on the other hand can be defined as any type of behavior or speech that disrupts the harmony of the work or educational environment. It is not a new problem. The culture of nursing eating their young has been around for many years. Two influences have been instrumental in heightening incivility in the workplace. One has been the increase use of technology.The social medias and email make It easier to target individuals with cyber harassment and social rejection. Our world has also become desensitizing. The news media broadcasts continual violence. This disentangles people to the reality of things Like abuse, murder and crime to where It Is thought of as K or the norm. Civility is one of our foundations in nursing. It is essential to our ethical and moral obligations of caring. We will write a custom essay sample on Civility in The Workplace or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being civil to one another creates a culture of caring. It also brings about teamwork and collaboration to enhance effective communication.When communication breaks down poor care ensues. Civility is necessary to the function of he organization. How do we promote civility in the workplace? Changing a culture from incivility to civility requires choice, decisive action, and resolve. Nurse leaders on all levels from the bedside to the CON must have honest conversations about the purpose of the work they want to accomplish. Nurses may need to revise their assumptions about people. The status quo must not be tolerated. No longer can we have a culture of weve always done it this way.Silos need to be eliminated so that honest, open communication and teamwork can occur. Civility is part of the ethical code we must live by and is necessary for the orderly functioning of the organization. Incivility will occur when these codes are broken down. Toxic behaviors can range from the very serious bullying and lateral violence and the sabotage of destructive people to the annoying and hard to cope with behavior of Just plain Jerks. Toxic employees are those that are rude, temperamental, abusive, spread gossip, sabotage work processes and create fractions.While the behaviors of Jerks might be less destructive than the very toxic they can be Just as official to cope with. An example of this would be the preceptor who talks down to the oriented or blames the oriented for mistakes versus creating a learning We are all dependent upon each other, our units and our healthcare organizations to clearly define the behaviors that will not be allowed. There are several things nurses can do to protect themselves from these types of situations. Always take care of yourself. Report incidents of harassment and keep documentation of the incidents.Always take the high road. At no time allow yourself to drop down to the lower level of behavior. This is a large challenge because of workloads and time constraints nurses become tired and resistance becomes low. Always assume that a workable relationship can be established. Good relationships take time and work, but they are rewarding in the end not only for the nurses involved but for the patients. Always reach out for help. Do not try to carry the burden on your own. The culture of incivility will not change unless someone starts the process of change.

Monday, December 2, 2019

To kill a mocking bird Analysis Essay Example For Students

To kill a mocking bird Analysis Essay There is plenty of tension in this chapter and Harper Lee expresses this very well through the setting, the discomforting and yet calm dialogue between the characters and how scout reminds us of her concern for the safety of her father. Chapter XV is split into two parts really and both of these parts are set both in the evening and very late at night. This is very effective in any novel or film as darkness shows suspense. It also gives the reader an eerie sense of the environment surrounding and how characters moods differ from their usual daily attitudes. The south side of the square was deserted. Giant monkey-puzzle bushes bristled on each corner Alliteration was clearly used during this sentence which also proves very effective when creating tension. For example: He swept silently across the floor. As previously mentioned, the eerie darkness does change peoples moods and in this chapter especially, proving successful when maintaining the suspense so in order to keep the reader glued to the page. This chapter is basically just about the transferring of black defendant Tom Robinson to the county jail to which nobody agrees is the right course of action to take. The dialogue to express their concern for the safely guarded whereabouts of Tom Robinson is all but aggressive. Its night time in the quiet town, so the occupants involved in the attempt to get Tom Robinson find it In their instincts to stay discreet, which is quite a lucky advantage in Atticus favour who is guarding the county jail and who also maintains a calm attitude towards the unfair predicament he is placed under. We will write a custom essay on To kill a mocking bird Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Regardless of this discreteness, the language towards Atticus from the towns folk is still quite threatening. You know what we want, get aside from the door Mr Finch. Atticus stern and risky acknowledgement clearly shows a build up to some violence. Even though Atticus knows this, he still doesnt retreat from his post. You can turn around and go home again, Walter This episode builds up tension to a great degree of anticipation and reluctance towards the harming of Atticus or Tom Robinson. Scout feels the same way when watching which explains her unauthorised interruption just before things get ugly. She breaks the ice completely simply by just saying one short sentence: Hey, Atticus! the presence of a young child brings the overpowering mob to consider their future actions and thus forcing them to back down grudgingly for the childs sake. What Scout does is really interesting and relieves the rock solid tension between Atticus and the towns folk. She singles out Walter Cunningham and starts talking to him rationally, all the while bringing the crowd to realise that they are individuals just by what shes saying to Mr Cunningham. Entailments are bad, I told Mr Cunningham, when I slowly awoke to the fact that I was addressing the entire congregation Then he squatted down and took me by my both shoulders Ill tell him you said hey, little lady lets go boys. And they left swiftly and quietly with no hassle. This entire chapter shows Scouts great respect and love for her father. The big interruption was a prime example for this. She shows a great deal of concern when she notices how everybody looks at him and refers to him when scout is at school as nigger lover etc. But the one line that summed Jem and Scouts love and concern was: Im scared for Atticus, somebody might hurt him. Chapter XV ends happily though with Scouts delight of seeing Atticus affection for Jem who really needed it at his difficult age, simply by him messaging once through Jems hair.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Yellow wallpaper essays

The Yellow wallpaper essays In Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow wall-paper there are many associations with to sunlight and moonlight. Daylight is associated with logic and rationality while moonlight is irrational and definitely not logical. Gilmans perception of daylight and moonlight is closely related to her views on men and women in society. Daylight represents masculinity. Gilman uses the analogy of John, the husband, laughing at Jane for the way she is acting (Gilman 658) and how the sunlight made the pattern appear to laugh at Janes actions (Gilman 668), to describe this connection. In the sunlight everything is clear and seen, which is why the woman in the wallpaper never crept around in it, society was able to see her and a woman creeping around was not accepted by society. In the daylight the yellow wallpapers pattern did not move, in the narrators eyes, because she knew that it was not accepted to see such things. In the moonlight, when everyone was sleeping and could not see, the pattern of the yellow wallpaper would come to life. In the moonlight it is dark and everything is hidden, nothing can be seen by society. The narrator sees the woman in the wallpaper shake the bars of it trying to get out and creeping around the garden at night, because the moonlight hides her. The narrator also sees strangled heads of other women that have tried to squeeze through the bars but did not succeed, representing all the other women in the world who have suffered as the narrator has and were not able to escape from the limits and rules of the society. Sunlight and moonlight in Charlotte Gilmans The Yellow wall-paper are just as hey are perceived in real life, complete opposites. In the sunlight everything is proper and is how it should be. In the moonlight the unheard of occurs and is hidden. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cómo cambiar caso en Corte migratoria para otro estado

Cà ³mo cambiar caso en Corte migratoria para otro estado Los migrantes con una cita para presentarte en una Corte de Inmigracià ³n ubicada en un lugar alejado al de su residencia habitual pueden solicitar un cambio de Corte. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como change of venue.  ¿Quà © puede pasar si un migrante no se presenta a su cita en una corte migratoria? Los migrantes que han recibido citacià ³n para presentarse en una fecha y hora determinada en una Corte de Inmigracià ³n durante su proceso de deportacià ³n deben cumplir con esta obligacià ³n. En caso de no hacerlo, lo ms probable es que se dicte una orden de deportacià ³n in absentia. En estos casos, si el migrante es posteriormente detenido ser deportado inmediatamente sin tener derecho a presentarse ante un juez. Adems, una vez deportado tendr un castigo adicional que le impide solicitar por un plazo de cinco aà ±os los perdones I-601 y/o I-212. 6 pasos para cambiar Corte migratoria a otra ms cercana al lugar de residencia Cuando un migrante desea cambiar la corte de inmigracià ³n para otra ms conveniente teniendo en cuenta su lugar de domicilio actual debe seguir los siguientes pasos: Cambio de corte, conocido en inglà ©s como Change of Venue Debe escribirse en inglà ©s una pgina de introduccià ³n a la que se debe titular Respondent ´s Motion to Change Venue, es decir, tu peticià ³n para cambiar la Corte. En esa pgina el migrante debe anotar su nombre completo,  el alien registration number, el estatus migratorio, el nombre y el tipo de procedimiento, el nombre del juez asignado a tu caso, el dà ­a y la hora de la cita en la Corte. Esta informacià ³n se encuentra en el documento llamado Notice to Appear (I-862), que es la carta en la que se cita al migrante para que se presente en corte. Adems, el migrante debe admitir o negar los cargos que se presentan en su contra en dicha Notice to Appear y la lista de alivios que se piensan solicitar como, por ejemplo, el asilo, la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n, la salida voluntaria, etc. Asimismo, debe incluirse la nueva direccià ³n y nà ºmero de telà ©fono y argumentar por quà © se solicita el cambio de corte, incluyendo documentos y evidencia que prueben que, efectivamente, el migrante tiene su domicilio en un lugar alejado al de la corte inicialmente designada. Cambio de direccià ³n notificando el nuevo domicilio Se debe completar el formulario (forma) EOIR 33, donde se notifica a la Corte el cambio de direccià ³n. Es el papel azul en la documentacià ³n que se le ha entregado al migrante. En la actualidad existe un procedimiento diferente al que se ha mencionado (carta de change of venue y formulario EOIR 33, que es de color azul- y que solo aplica a los menores cuya corte est fijada en Harlingen, Texas. En ese caso, deben completarse las planillas azul y pà ºrpura que se encuentran en el paquete que se le entrega a cada menor. Copias de los formularios Hacer dos copias de la carta de change of venue y de la planilla de cambio de direccià ³n (la que es de color azul). Envà ­o a la corte de inmigracià ³n Enviar por correo certificado al juez de la corte de inmigracià ³n para la que se recibià ³ la citacià ³n la carta original y el formulario azul original junto en un mismo paquete. Todos esos papeles tienen que ser recibidos por la corte al menos 15 dà ­as antes de la fecha de la citacià ³n. Pero es muy recomendable enviarlos cuanto antes sea posible. La razà ³n es que la Corte puede solicitar ms evidencias, y se tendrà ­an que enviar dentro de plazo. Notificacià ³n al abogado del gobierno Enviar por correo certificado una copia de la carta de change of venue y de la planilla de cambio de direccià ³n a la oficina del abogado que representa a los intereses del gobierno en el caso. La otra copia que se hizo de los documentos debe guardarla el migrante, asà ­ como el resguardo de haber enviado dicha documentacià ³n por correo certificado. Verificacià ³n de que la corte recibià ³ los papeles Es obligacià ³n del migrante presentarse en corte el dà ­a y a la hora de su citacià ³n. Por lo tanto, debe llamar por telà ©fono a la Corte en la que originalmente se le cità ³ para verificar que recibieron la solicitud de cambio de corte.  ¿Quà © sucede despuà ©s de solicitar cambio de Corte? Pueden suceder dos cosas. En primer lugar, que la Corte acepte la peticià ³n, y asà ­ lo notificar por escrito. En este caso te tienes que presentar a la nueva corte en el dà ­a y a la hora que te citen. En segundo lugar, puede suceder que la Corte niegue la peticià ³n. En este caso, el migrante tiene la obligacià ³n de presentarse el dà ­a de la cita en la corte original, ya que no hay cambio. Tips y recursos à ºtiles Los migrantes que se sienten cà ³modos en inglà ©s puedes escribir por sà ­ mismos la peticià ³n para cambiar la corte. Se puede encontrar inspiracià ³n en  el Immigration Court Practice Manual. Pero ya que presentarse en corte y luchar contra una deportacià ³n es un tema muy grave, todos los migrantes deben considerar contratar a un abogado de Inmigracià ³n para que realice este trmite y su defensa en corte. Si es un gasto caro que no se puede permitir, es aconsejable consultar con una organizacià ³n sin fin de lucro tipo Catholic Charities u otra. Finalmente, siempre es posible consultar informacià ³n bsica sobre fechas y plazos en el caso de tener un asunto pendiente en corte migratoria. Para ello marcar al 1-800-898-7180. Tener a mano el nà ºmero del Alien Registration Number. Cambio de corte migratoria Todos los migrantes que reciben una notificacià ³n para presentarse en una corte de inmigracià ³n estn obligados a hacerlo en el lugar, dà ­a y hora indiciados. Esta obligacià ³n aplica a adultos y a nià ±os. De no cumplirla, la corte dicta una orden de deportacià ³n in absentia, es decir, sin que el migrante està © presente.Los migrantes pueden solicitar un cambio de corte cuando tienen su domicilio en un lugar alejado de la ciudad en la que est ubicada la corte. Por ejemplo, cuando se les detuvo en un estado y residen en otro.Si despuà ©s de enviar la solicitud pidiendo el cambio de corte y notificando la nueva direccià ³n el migrante no recibe confirmacià ³n de que la corte ha aprobado el cambio de ubicacià ³n, deber presentarse a la cita en el dà ­a, hora y lugar inicialmente previsto. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Protocols and Policy to Secure Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Protocols and Policy to Secure Software - Essay Example This invasion is done for the express purpose of taking advantage of the weaknesses that can be found in the software by the hacker and is usually done for monetary gain (Vacca, 2009). There are a number of measures that have been taken as a result to try and prevent this sort of interference by hackers and a number of cyber security standards have been developed with the aim of improving the level of protection that is available to this market. Cyber Security Standards Cyber security standards can be defined as the various established standards of security that have been set up by a number of bodies involved in the computer industry to assist organizations in the practice of safe techniques regarding security so as to reduce the number of successful attacks on their cyber security systems and if possible negate them altogether (Kontoghiorghes, 2006). The latter aim may prove to be difficult as hackers have become adept at countering the various measures that have been set up to keep them out and thus it considered to be a continuous process whereby weaknesses are identified, exploited and then fixed and improved by the organizations. The security standards have however have gone a long way in improving the level of security that is practiced by organizations and can be said to have provided guidelines on the best way to protect one’s company form cyber security attacks. These standards provide organizations with certain techniques and outlines that they can implement to enhance their cyber security. Some certain standards offer organizations that have been able to successfully implement the outlines and techniques that they have set out official cyber security certification that shows the company’s achievements. The certification is done by an accredited body that looks into the company before deciding whether they have reached the required level of success in their implementation to acquire the certification (Sipser, 2006). This certification ho lds a number of advantages for organizations that are able to acquire it such as enabling the company to easily acquire insurance policies on cyber security (Wong & Yeung, 2009). This is especially important in today’s technology market considering the high number of hacking incidents that take place on an almost daily basis and the sizable economic risk that comes with the potential of successful hacking attempts (Sipser, 2006). The loss of information can lead to a huge hit on an organization’s financial status and thus insurance on this risk has become a necessary endeavor for many large organizations. Popular Cyber Security Standards There are various standards that are available to organizations but some of the more popular cyber security standards include; ISO 27002 This can be considered to be a high standards guide to achieving cyber security for organizations and can be said to be the most popular cyber security standards that is currently available in the mar ket (Kontoghiorghes, 2006). The standard actually incorporates parts of BS 7799 good

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Article Review responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article Review responses - Assignment Example Enron reaction of the public, creditor and regulatory agency’s increasing awareness of company’s attempt to used financial acrobatics to make the company appear stable and profitable. In the case of Penguin, it removed depreciation from its Cost of Goods Sold which is a standard cost of recognizing wear and tear to make it appear to have a more than above industry average Gross Profit Margin of 39.56 percent. It may be less in severity but it is no different from Enron’s â€Å"future’s marketing† where they recorded future sales (sales which are not realize) to make the company appear profitable even if those sales are not yet realized. This of course looks good on paper thereby increasing the valuation of its stock in the market duping its investors to invest on its stocks. Penguin may have said it to be unintentional but again, this practice is far from desirable. If indeed Penguin did not intend to commit a shady accounting practice to make the company appear to have a higher Gross Profit Margin, it should then revise its accounting method according to GAAP and follow absorption costing that would reflect the true cost of its product and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Jeep Grand Cherokee Essay Example for Free

Jeep Grand Cherokee Essay Jeep Grand Cherokee is an American car. This kind of cars is survivors favorite things in VALS types. Survivors live narrowly focused lives. They are accustomed to use their familiar things, cant accept new things quickly. Therefore Jeep brand which has more than 70 years history and born for war can satisfy the sense of survivors security. At the same time, survivors are cautious customers. Just in time, the design philosophy of Jeep-safety, comfortable, power, meet their requirements. Jeep brand is their best choice. The price of brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee starts from 39,895 dollars, this price level is medium-high. It’s expensive, but the price is not higher than Mercedes-Benz SUVs and BMW X5. For this reason Jeep Grand Cherokee is not a rich status symbol. However Jeep Grand Cherokee absolutely present a kind of personal character, its a symbol of recalcitrant man. SUVs are trendy because of better vision, more capacious space. On this basis, Jeep Grand Cherokee obtain better fuel economy by using new V6 engine. Increased back space make it more suitable for family, through the change of interior atmosphere let Jeep Grand Cherokee has become home up. Still powerful cross-country performance and improve highway playability let it drive up full of fun. Grand Cherokee try to attract more people to choose as family car. Hence, if you want to have fun with family in weekend, you can’t miss this car.Jeep Grand Cherokee is not offbeat no matter on speed or safety, but it can find balance in both. Jeep Grand Cherokee is a domestic car. It’s more appropriate survivors who like familiar brand and proud of owning American car even products. 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee use headline for: You’ll need to find a different excuse for being late to work. This headline really attract office worker. This press Jeep Grand Cherokee is comfortable and has fun to drive. Comfortable is the other most important reason for choose American car. Grand Cherokee shows this characteristics of the incisively and vividly. The seat not only soft and comfortable, and let any shape people drive this big car can find the most suitable for their own driving posture. Jeep own a pure cross-country blood, this SUV retains its essence and enhance the characteristics of adapting road. This advertising didn’t use celebrity charm and use model. It’s just a  picture about Grand Cherokee run in snow. This picture foil masculine, at the same time correspond subtitle: When you enhance the legendary Jeep brand capability with a Selec-Terrain system, snow doesn’t stand a chance. This advertising posted on Reader magazines whose readers have own-opinion. Overall this advertising conveys adventure emotional approach and express it’s comfortable and has fun with driving. It’s impressive and attractive advertising.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jays Journal :: Teen Suicide Book Report

Jay's Journal is an interesting book written by Jay. The story is about Jay and how he was led into witchcraft and the occult and using drugs by his girlfriend and others. The author tells how Jay was led into all of this, and it also tells how he got his two best friends into using the same stuff and into the occult also known as the O. The author describes how he learned that the human race was afraid of mind over matter techniques and learned how to use them himself. He was able to levitate small objects and see peoples auwa and aura. This is a great book because it helps some people that deal with the same problems to see what might happen if they choose to follow the same path. I really liked this book because it might help people deal with this type of stuff, it was written in a real person's journal and described what led to his death , and I like how it says what happened every day of his life. One reason I like this book is because it could possibly help people who are going through these same problems he was. Jay was peer pressured by his girlfriend to steal drugs from his father's store and to use them himself. Jays Journal :: Teen Suicide Book Report Jay's Journal is an interesting book written by Jay. The story is about Jay and how he was led into witchcraft and the occult and using drugs by his girlfriend and others. The author tells how Jay was led into all of this, and it also tells how he got his two best friends into using the same stuff and into the occult also known as the O. The author describes how he learned that the human race was afraid of mind over matter techniques and learned how to use them himself. He was able to levitate small objects and see peoples auwa and aura. This is a great book because it helps some people that deal with the same problems to see what might happen if they choose to follow the same path. I really liked this book because it might help people deal with this type of stuff, it was written in a real person's journal and described what led to his death , and I like how it says what happened every day of his life. One reason I like this book is because it could possibly help people who are going through these same problems he was. Jay was peer pressured by his girlfriend to steal drugs from his father's store and to use them himself.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bicyclists and Motorcyclists Should Be Required By Law To Wear Helmets Essay

Due to the rising cost of gasoline all over the world more and more people are looking into alternative forms of transportation. Using your car these days is heavy on the budget because the amount of a full tank of gasoline will effectively feed a family for at least a week. This is why the cost efficient forms of transportation, bicycles and motorcycles have been emerging as more popular and cost-effective ways of transportation. There is one drawback though, these are also the 2 most dangerous forms of transportation for an individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Riding a bicycle or a motorcycle exposes the rider to various kinds of dangers on the way to his destination. One has to admit that it is very easy to turn turtle and hurl off a bicycle while getting pinned under a motorcycle is a reality that all riders have to face. Since nothing can be done about the injuries below the neck, and considering that an EMT on the way to the hospital can usually give emergency treatment to these injuries, the injuries to the head will instantly kill the rider. This is why both motorcyclists should be required by law to wear a helmet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe that this is a non-negotiable issue because it pertains to saving the life of a rider. I will agree that helmets can be uncomfortable when worn. It is hot, heavy, and tends to get smelly after a while. But it is that hot, heavy, and stinky piece of protective gear that always saves lives. Just like a seatbelt does in cars. Discomfort is a small price to pay if it means preserving your life in dire accident situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The father of my best friend died in a motorcycle accident because he was not wearing his helmet. He had crashed his motorcycle into a car on the opposite side of the road when he lost control of the motorcycle. If only he were wearing the helmet, he would not have cracked his skull on the pavement when he hit the ground. He had no other injuries so he should have survived. The helmet spelled the difference.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Personally, I had an accident on my mountain bike a few months back. It flew right from under me during a rocky downhill ride in the mountains. I tumbled farther than my bike did but survived the fall with only a few bruises and deep cuts. The helmet I was wearing took most of the blow. It is all cracked now and I had to replace it. I still keep it displayed on my shelf as a conversation piece. To remind people I know of that share the same or similar activities about why it is important to wear a helmet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If lawmakers would only take the time to talk to the survivors of such accidents, they will come to realize why laws such as these are important and have to be implemented. The rising cost of gasoline should not mean the rising body count on our streets either.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lady Macbeth Character analysis Essay

Lady Macbeth Essay â€Å"A dynamic character is an individual that undergoes a drastic character change or revelation.†[1] Lady Macbeth is an ideal example of this kind of character. At the beginning of the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth can be perceived as a manipulative and deeply ambitious person, which implies an overall sinister-like quality. However, as the play progresses, Lady Macbeth’s character changes to one that seems deeply regretful for her actions. Through Lady Macbeth’s interactions and statements the reader views her transformation from a sinister being into a remorseful soul. In the opening of the play, Lady Macbeth is an extremely manipulative individual that essentially has the power to control her husband’s actions. This is evident through the plot and ultimately the death of King Duncan. Lady Macbeth insulted her husbands manhood stating: â€Å"What beast was’t then that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I, VII, 52-64). This statement reinforces her manipulative manner, which provides crucial and important information about Lady Macbeth’s character. In essence, this attack towards Macbeth introduces a pivotal theme of the play: the relationship between gender and violence. Lady Macbeth links masculinity to violence and thereby she has to resort to influential measures in order to achieve her goals. She claims that he is not manly enough because he is hesitant of performing the violent deed of murdering the King. Her mockery of her husband serves a dual purpose of developing her as well as Macbeth’s character. The sarcastic tone reveals the dominating personality of Lady Macbeth, which is significant in influencing Macbeth during later part of the play to succumb to darkness of treachery and bloodshed. Which also intensifies her fiendish attributes. Lady Macbeth has the ability to override all her husband’s hesitation and manipulate him into undertaking these murderous acts. Thro ugh persuasion and criticism she was able to manipulate her husband thereby suggesting elements of evil and sinister-like qualities in Lady Macbeth. There is a defined relationship between manipulation and ambition in this play. That is, Lady Macbeth’s ambition drives her to persuade her husband into the murdering of innocent people. The first example of her determination is apparent in her  soliloquy, which is started off with a tone of certainty and conviction. â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be what thou art promised.† (I, V, 14-29) Ironically, this tone does not alleviate the strength of her character but instead makes the reader wary of her. This draws the reader’s interest and creates a feeling of the oncoming evil that seems inevitable. Hence, the reader can indicate the instrumental role that Lady Macbeth is going to play in the build up of darkness later on. But the primary example of her ambitious behaviour is evident in the plot for her husband to become king. As claimed by the witches, Macbeth would be king, however the means of how this would become was never discussed until Lady M acbeth is introduced. When the reader is first introduced to her, she is asking for spirits to â€Å"unsex me†(I, V, 44). â€Å"The language suggests that her womanhood, represented by breasts and milk, which are usually symbols of a nurturer, prevents her from performing acts of violence and cruelty, which she associates with manliness.†[2] This also reinforces the link between gender and violence. This statement displays the immense ambition she has to become queen, demonstrating she will go to any lengths in order to accomplish her goal. The devised plan by Lady Macbeth further shows her great ambition to become Queen of Scotland. Lady Macbeth states to Macbeth: â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see!† (I, V, 67-68) referring to the murdering of King Duncan providing evidence of her great ambition. Lady Macbeth is so blinded by her ambitions that she neglects to ponder the potential consequences her actions may have on her and Macbeth himself. This intense and unwavering ambition of what might be to come forces her to place whatever values, morals and good judgment on hold, however it is also her blind ambition that leads to her fast approaching downfall. Aside from Lady Macbeth’s sinister tendencies, there is proof that suggests that there is a compassionate and guilty feeling individual buried inside. The first piece of evidence, which suggests of a remorsef ul Lady Macbeth, is apparent through her statement: â€Å"where out desire is got without content.†(III, II, 7). This passage refers to the lack of fulfillment the role of queen posses, and hints that all her actions were meaningless thereby implying remorseful feelings. Another crucial indication of her guilt is visible in Act Five, Scene 1 when Lady Macbeth is wondering around in a trance state appearing to be sleep walking. It is at this point in time where we indisputably learn of her deepest  regrets and guilt. This is evident when she is heard saying: â€Å"Out, damned spot† (V, I, 32) suggesting that she is unable to wash the blood off her hands. These actions play a central role in the reinforcement of another theme: appearance versus reality (Lady Macbeth appears to be wide-awake, however, she is in a state of near unconsciousness revealing the reality of her thoughts). These regretful feelings inherently lead to her downfall through her suicide. By dying by her own hand she is paying the greatest cost for the consequences of her actions. Here underlies the truth to her character, she inherits a change of heart resulting in indisputable evidence that Lady Macbeth is a dynamic character. In conclusion, through Lady Macbeth’s interactions and statements the reader gains tremendous insight into her true character. As the play progresses and character revelation occurs, we see her change from an individual that is deeply ambitious and persuasive to a regretful and remorseful s oul. This thereby provides as adequate proof that Lady Macbeth is a dynamic character. This change creates a sense of sympathy in the eyes of the reader; and consequently it is her actions that cause her own ultimate death. Sources: [2] [1] Dynamic character defined by (

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Derechos y Deberes de los Americanos Fuera de Estados Unidos

Derechos y Deberes de los Americanos Fuera de Estados Unidos Hay ms de ocho millones de ciudadanos americanos que viven por fuera del territorio nacional. Muchos viajan por oportunidades de trabajo, otros para casarse con ciudadanos de otros paà ­ses y otros por los atractivos costos de vida en otras partes del mundo. La mayorà ­a de ciudadanos americanos viven en cercanà ­as del territorio nacional, con Canad y Mà ©xico como destinos principales, seguido de Europa, India, las Filipinas e Israel. En la actualidad hay una tendencia en la que los pensionados se mudan a paà ­ses de menor costo de vida para poder tener una calidad de vida mucho mejor que la que tendrà ­an en Estados Unidos, esto debido al cambio de dà ³lar a las monedas locales. Independiente de las circunstancias, el paso inicial ms importante cuando se vive en otro lugar es contactar a la embajada o consulado local inmediatamente se llegue al nuevo lugar de residencia. Este ser el lugar donde se tramitarn los pasaportes y documentos legales que requieran una apostilla del gobierno de Estados Unidos. En general, los ciudadanos americanos que viven por fuera de Estados Unidos conservan los siguientes derechos: Los relativos e inherentes a la ciudadanà ­a. Los ciudadanos en el extranjero pueden dirigirse a las embajadas para pedir ayuda si esta requiere de la intervencià ³n del gobierno. En caso de arresto o problemas con la ley, las autoridades locales estn obligadas a contactar a la embajada e informarle de la situacià ³n. Los relativos al votar en las elecciones federales. Actualmente se puede solicitar la planilla de manera electrà ³nica y regresarla por el mismo medio. Cuando se est en el exterior se vota en el à ºltimo estado de EE.UU. en el que se registrà ³. Los relativos a la ciudadanà ­a de los hijos. En el momento del nacimiento de un bebà © en el extranjero, si uno o ambos padres son ciudadanos americanos, hay que contactar a la embajada local para obtener el CRBA (Consular Report of Birth Abroad, reporte consular de nacimiento en el extranjero) para documentar que el nià ±o/a es un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. Los relativos al pago mensual del Seguro Social para los pensionados y discapacitados. Los relativos al matrimonio/divorcio en el extranjero. Para certificar la validez del matrimonio/divorcio oficiado en otro paà ­s hay que contactar al Fiscal General del estado en el que se residà ­a originalmente dentro de los Estados Unidos. Tenga en cuenta que los ciudadanos con doble nacionalidad (y los de una sola), estn sujetos a las leyes locales y el gobierno de Estados Unidos no tiene jurisdiccià ³n legal si la persona comete algà ºn tipo de delito. Y asà ­ como cuentan con derechos, estos son los deberes de los ciudadanos americanos en el exterior: Rellenar las planillas y enviar los formularios de impuestos federales cada aà ±o. Estar al dà ­a en los impuestos locales que apliquen para cada paà ­s. Abstenerse de viajar a los paà ­ses que el departamento de estado considera no propicios. Inscribirse al servicio selectivo para los ciudadanos hombres. Estar al dà ­a con FACTA, o el tratado por medio del cual las instituciones financieras del extranjero deben informar al IRS acerca de los movimientos financieros de ciudadanos americanos o de empresas americanas. Finalmente, debe entenderse que Medicaid y Medicare no tienen cubrimiento en el extranjero y que podrà ­a haber razones por las que puede perder su nacionalidad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo y no pretende ser asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Meet Libiro the best indie-only ebook store

Meet Libiro the best indie-only ebook store Startups in Publishing: Meet the best indie-only ebook store For the second installment of our series featuring literary-minded start-ups, this week we spoke to Ben Galley, co-founder of Libiro. Libiro is an amazing ebook store that is exclusive to indie authors and small presses.   To get in touch with Cherry, the woman with the tablet – and Libiro’s #1 fan – drop Teague an email at

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Water Management in India Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Water Management in India - Research Paper Example The challenges of water management in India stem from resource problems whereby the protection of water sources is yet to be effective. Deforestation along with other hazardous activities threatens the water sources of the Asian giant. Moreover, infrastructural parameters hinder the achievement of full access to water by many residents of India. Though, the water problem in India is more visible in cities particularly slums. As a result, numerous organizations both local and international along with government agencies have focused on water supply in slum areas. The management of water in India is closely related to hygiene because the access to water is the only way to guarantee good hygiene in the society. Therefore, improving water supply is considered central towards enhancing the standards of hygiene. This paper evaluates water management in India through a number of perspectives to bring out the current state of water administration in the Indian subcontinent along with its rel evant effects on life. Primary issues will be listed and discussed regarding how they influence water management. Major organizations in the process of water administration will be discussed. One of the primary issues in India regarding water management is the utilization of water for agricultural purposes. Owing to the unreliable weather of India, certain areas are dependant of water for irrigation purposes. The insufficiency of rain makes farmers become dependant on water supply for agricultural use.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Final exam - Essay Example Market economy is that genre of the economy in which choices are taken on the base of  market demand and supply. Manufacturers are liberated to manufacture. They  will manufacture the goods which are high in order and will offer maximum profit plus customers are liberated to use those goods and or services which provides them maximum pleasure. Market economy is well known as liberated economy, that is, without the intercession of the regime. In this type of economy, consumers make a decision of the responds to the three queries (Punzo et al., 2005).   They perform this by their choices of what to purchase.   No one advises companies what to manufacture they make anything they think will put up for sale.   If they decide wrong, they go out of selling.   Most industrial economies nowadays are mainly market economies.   The US, Germany and Japan are entirely market economies. In market economies, financial decisions are prepared by individual persons. The free interaction of individuals plus companies in the market determines how resources are owed and goods are disseminated. Persons choose how to spend their individual resources, what guidance to pursue, what occupations to take, what goods and or services to manufacture. ... For the traditional economy, the three queries get responded to by referring to custom. What is made is what has at all times been made, in the method it has at all times been made, etc.   There are no actually any countries whose entire economies are customary.   The most adjoining one can get to this is Afghanistan or Bhutan (Haddad, 2002). These are places where there is small connection to the worldwide economy. The labor that people perform, the goods plus services they offer, how they use and trade resources, all are apt to pursue long-established outlines. The economic systems are not very vibrant, because things do not revolutionize very much. Living standards are static; persons do not enjoy much economic or professional mobility. Nevertheless, economic behaviors plus relationships are conventional. In several traditional economies, society interests take priority over the persons. Individuals may be anticipated to unite their efforts and divide equally in the profits of their work. In further traditional economies, a number of them sort of personal property is esteemed, but it is reserved by a tough set of compulsions that individuals are obliged to their community (Haddad, 2002). In the command economic system, also referred to as planned economy, the regime controls the financial system. The nation decides how to make use of and dispense resources. The regime regulates prices and salaries; it may also determine what kinds of work persons do. Socialism is a kind of this kind of economic genre. Historically, the regime has unspecified varying levels of power over the financial system in collective countries. In a few, only chief industries have been issued to regime management; in others, the regime has exercised far more widespread control over

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Network Management Tools Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Network Management Tools - Scholarship Essay Example The big burst through that enabled the streaming revolt was the implementation of a new Internet protocol called the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and new indoctrination modus operandi that compressed audio files into tremendously small packets of data. UDP made streaming media reasonable by transmitting data more resourcefully than prior protocols from the host server over the Internet to the client player or end listener. More up to date protocols for instance the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) are making the transmission of data even better at your job (Tenenbom, 1996).UDP and RTSP are idyllic for audio dissemination given that they place a high precedence on unremitting streaming rather than on utter document sanctuary. Disparate TCP and HTTP transmission, when a UDP audio packet drops out, the server keeps sending information, reasoning only a brief malfunction as an alternative of a massive gap of silence. TCP, on the other hand, keeps trying to resend the lost packet befor e distributing anything more, cause greater delays and breakups in the audio broadcast (Brenton, 2003). Former to UDP and RTSP transmission, data was sent over the Web for the most part via TCP and HTTP. TCP transmission, in difference to UDP and RTSP transmission, is planned to constantly transfer text documents, email, and HTML web pages over the Internet while enforcing maximum steadfastness and data veracity rather than correctness. Since HTTP transmission is based on TCP, it is also not complementary for transmitting multimedia presentations that rely on time-based...UDP and RTSP are idyllic for audio dissemination given that they place a high precedence on unremitting streaming rather than on utter document sanctuary. Disparate TCP and HTTP transmission, when a UDP audio packet drops out, the server keeps sending information, reasoning only a brief malfunction as an alternative of a massive gap of silence. TCP, on the other hand, keeps trying to resend the lost packet before distributing anything more, cause greater delays and breakups in the audio broadcast (Brenton, 2003). Former to UDP and RTSP transmission, data was sent over the Web for the most part via TCP and HTTP. TCP transmission, in difference to UDP and RTSP transmission, is planned to constantly transfer text documents, email, and HTML web pages over the Internet while enforcing maximum steadfastness and data veracity rather than correctness. Since HTTP transmission is based on TCP, it is also not complementary for transmitting multimedia presentations that rely on time-based processes or for large-scale broadcasting (Brenton, 2003).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reverse Innovation Is Completely Different Marketing Essay

Reverse Innovation Is Completely Different Marketing Essay Large multinational companies traditionally considered deriving revenues in their home turf, and sought most of their growth opportunities within their home country. As markets saturated, they moved on to other rich countries targeting consumers from those market segments that they were able to secure in their home country. As competition from businesses both large and small increased, corporate strategy included expansion into emerging markets. Multinational companies have the capital to leverage their expansion into these emerging markets. This method allowed companies to obtain a foothold in these fast-growing economies, however, their current product offerings were too expensive to cater to the bottom of the pyramid consumers, which is sometimes the bulk of the population. Western multinationals found themselves capturing a small segment of the market, due to the unavailability of cheap products so eagerly sought by these bottom of the pyramid consumers. As done previously in ric h foreign countries, the western multinational could cater to the rich in the developing country. Unfortunately the number of consumers fulfilling these criteria is quite small compared to the entire population. Traditional strategies of globalisation later included local innovation, which together was termed as glocalisation. These local innovations were fuelled by the need to address differences in the demand structure of the current consumers. Existing products of the multinational was slightly tweaked to appeal to the locals, through various ways (include from literature). This process carried out well until local competition from emerging countries, with their superior local market understanding started developing products aimed at meeting the needs of the bottom of the pyramid consumers. These products as identified by Vijay (XXX) share some unique characteristics (low price, etc.) and are much readily accessible by this consumer base. They products created for these consumers by local businesses were highly innovative, often performing the same functions as the western multinationals product offerings, at a much lower price point. It fulfilled the need of these consumers of being of good enough quality but at the same time being easy to use. Cheap products performing the same function attracted the attention of consumers in higher income segments in the emerging countries, and gained popularity through to neighbouring countries with low GDPs per capita. Multinationals were seeing their markets slowly being taken over by these local innovators. To tackle this problem, western companies, not familiar with the demand needs of the locals created local innovation teams to create a clean slate approach towards innovation. Aside from altering current offerings, they also focused on creating completely new products sharing those factors such as low price, ease of use and good-enough quality. These products saw good responses from the local markets, bringing about increased learning of market needs to the Western multinational. The step following this original local innovation was the export of products back to the developed world. This process was coined by Vijay as Reverse Innovation in his book. The latest step for expansion of firms, this stage brings about a large number of research questions mentioned by Vijay and Trimble in their book. However, one aspect not considered was the target market in the developed country for these products. It is clear to recognize that there exists, even in the developed world, a number of consumers, especially in the bottom of the income groups, who prefer products sharing the features of low price, ease of use and good-enough quality. However, it is not clear who exactly these consumers are. With moderate success of the few successful examples of reversely innovated products in the western world, it creates the need to find out the perfect consumer profile for these products. This becomes more apparent during current recessionary periods, causing consumers to tighten t heir budgets. We analyse in this paper, from a consumer standpoint, behaviour towards these reversely innovated products. We ask whether the current economic climate will cause the purchase behaviour of those consumers, who would not necessarily have considered purchasing products sharing such features, to change or not. Literature Review Introduction Guided by the research objectives, the literature review can be broken down into three major parts; 1. Reverse Innovation and related topics, 2. Consumer behaviour and its influence on market segmentation and 3. Consumer behaviour towards reversely innovated products in western societies. Within stated topics, the literature review, first, describes briefly respective theory, its composition and provides distinct definitions, vital key models and perspectives. Thereby, research objectives of this dissertation and related theories can be clarified and explicitly distinguished from irrelevant literature available. This is specifically applicable to the topic of consumer behaviour and market segmentation with its vast amount of diverse scopes and research areas. Second, it helps to define clear definitions of different innovation models, especially those generating from emerging countries, or the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), etc. Defining Reverse Innovationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Definition History Theory (models, frameworks) Critique in contrast with other theory Analysis = hypotheses (if required) Innovation in general Brief introduction to innovation in general (including history or necessity for business?) Definition of innovation with some scholars explaining it and most popular frameworks (if available) Explanation of reverse innovation Brief introduction to reverse innovation (including origin and necessity) Definition of the theory behind reverse innovation In our paper, we focus solely on developed country multinationals, and this also sets the backdrop for the definition of reverse innovation. Indeed the term stands true only if innovations are brought back to the home (developed) country. Introducing the model of reverse innovation (4 stages of RI) (by vijay) Briefly describe all four stages (maybe I can find another model that can be described as an alternative to vijays model although probably not possible) Explaining the four stages in detail: Chris Trimble defines innovation as any project that is new to you and has an uncertain outcome (1,25). US President, Obama, talks about the need for innovation by US scientists to outdo global competition. However, Vijay argues that this can only be done when scientists stop focusing on innovation in the USA and look elsewhere for dynamic ideas based on consumer needs. Innovation can occur anywhere and Mehmood Khan, chief scientific officer of PepsiCo found that Western doctors discovered in Bangladesh the use of century old local treatment for diarrhoea by cholera. What is innovation? Sustaining Disruptive Incremental Radical Reverse Strategic Architectural Modular Competence Enhancing Competence Destroying Globalisation: Definition -43, 45 History Theory (models, frameworks) (ted levitt) Critique in contrast with other theory 51, 54 Analysis hypotheses (if required) transition to glocalisation 48 unused 33, 46, int., ghamewat Phase 1 Globalization -Multinationals built unprecedented economies of scale by selling products and services to markets all around the world. Innovation happened at home, and then the new offerings were distributed everywhere. Globalisation theory was initially developed in 1817 by David Ricardo in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, where he suggests that nations should specialise in the production of those goods and services in which they are most adept. However, this would benefit both trading partners only if certain conditions stayed constant, namely: There should be a balance of trade between the 2 nations so that one does not become indebted or dependant to the other in any way Capital investment should take place in home country and not allowed to move from high wage to low wage country In a sophisticatedly connected information network prevalent in todays world, these conditions do not hold, invalidating Ricardos definition. It is not possible for countries to rely on themselves alone based on their competitive advantage. Global economics is dominated by export intensive countries, thus necessitating the need for increased exports to the rest of the world as the only method for expansion. Reverse innovation, however brings back the learning from foreign countries back to the home country to strengthen the foothold in current established markets of the MNC. The bi-polar world economy dominated by USA and Europe (also Japan), has now become tri-polar with the inclusion of East South East Asia. In terms of market size, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and the UK still dominate, by 2020, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan will move up to the top ten. It is easy to see their success already in a multitude of industries (Steel, Consumer electronics, Food, etc. ). This new tri polar world economy suggests the high importance companies must place to these emerging regions. diagram (447886) can be included to underline the change in globalisation Globalisation is one of the most popular buzzwords around not only in the world of business but a term to define the processes of international integration arising from increased human connectivity and interchange of ideas, products and other aspects of culture. Beerkens, 2006, summarises the different definitions and perspectives prevailing on the matter from Marx Engels, 1848 to his own definition in 2004. He postulates that the process of globalisation causes acceleration, massification, flexibilisation, diffusion and expansion of transnational flows of people. It accelerates basic social arrangements (like power, culture, markets, politics, rights, values, norms, ideology, identity, citizenship and solidarity) to become disconnected from their spatial context (mainly the nation state) to create a worldwide interconnectedness between nation states.(beerkens, 2004). This also means that the development on one side of the globe will have consequences on the other. Som prominent exa mples of globalisation include Coca Colas presence in over 200 countries (1, 43) or the restructuring of the automotive industry to adjust to cost differences around the world through relocation of competitive advantage regarding manufacturing, assembling, etc., to the rise in prices of oil in the Western world due to shooting up of demand for it during 2004 and 2006 in India and China. Globalisation benefits XXXXXX. (1, 43) argue that the effects of globalisation are yet to see any slowing down. With standardised national income, media and technology authors adopt the view that consumers would have similar needs and behaviours. For example, communications development (Bradley, 1991:384) and technology development (Ronkainen 1993:167) will bring convergence in consumer markets. McLuhan (1964) talks about a Global Village, where global media and increased travel will bring about convergence in consumer behaviour, values and lifestyles. This is supported by Ted Levitt (1983) who suggest that new technology will cause consumer needs to become consistent, based on his view of consumer rationality and price sensitivity or profit maximising intentions. However, this assumption of nationality is inherently flawed as it does not incorporate cultural contexts (Antonides 1998; McCracken 1989; Sà ¼erdem 1993). There is also small empirical evidence of consumer behaviour convergence based on universal price-minded customers in the micro level (Usunier 1996). Macro level hypotheses is al so disregarded by (Craig, Douglas and Grain 1992, Hollanders, Soete and Ter Weel 1999, Sarkar 1999). As can be easily understood, the scope of this topic is huge, and we shall look at only from an international business point of view. CONVERGENCE but in reality DIVERGENCE XXXXXX Given the ease of controlling expansion possibilities, cost reduction, resources and logistics, MNEs can now strategically disperse activities, including innovation functions in different low cost geographic locations. The motivations for conducting international business include market motives, economic motives and strategic motives. Market motives can be offensive or defensive offensive being the motive to seize market opportunities in overseas countries through trade investments, and defensive being the motive to protect the companys market power or competitive position in contrast to the domestic rivalry or changes in government policies. Economic motives apply when firms capitalise on the inter-country differences in costs of labour, natural resources and capital and taxation, to achieve economies of scale and subsequent higher revenues. E.g. Motorola establishing production facilities in Chinas special economic zones offering lower taxation rate than applicable in the US. Stra tegic motives lead firms to internationalise, capitalising on distinctive resources or capabilities developed at home (e.g. technologies and economies of scale). Firms can increase their cash flow by deploying these capabilities overseas. Firms may also wish to exploit first mover advantages, e.g. Volkswagen which was the second automaker in China, was the first to locate in Shanghai, gaining a monopoly in the market for years. Firms also gain advantage by integrating both vertically and/or horizontally involving different countries. (1, 43) There are several papers suggesting the heterogeneity amongst different markets in the global sphere. Bakhtazmai (2011) postulates that there is a decentralised regulation of markets, and while cosmopolitan nations move towards globalisation, they also reach down to the social local organisations. According to J.H. Mittelman, globalisation is a historical transformation in economy and cultural diversity. Hofstede postulated different dimensions could be used to understand and tackle cultural differences. Differences in product usage and buying motives are correlated with these dimensions (De Mooij 1998, 2000, 2001). Since peoples attitudes related to consumption are based on their values,the differences become more stable and stronger over time. Conventionally international business interprets the term culture to mean national cultures exclusively, but Hofstede (1991:253) has warned against applying national culture dimensions to subnational levels. Bakhtazmai concludes that the pace , magnitude and direction of change caused by globalisation will continue to progress rapidly through technology transfer. Dynamic management (Dowbor, 2001) requires constant adaptation to different segments of social reproduction. Benefits from globalisation may include design, purchasing, manufacturing operations, packaging, etc. making possible standardised facilities, methodologies and procedures across countries. Companies may only tweak a little bit in each area to achieve profits. The process of combining both global and local operations has become known as glocalisation. Yip and Coundouriotis (1991) argue that global strategy usage can possibly help achieve reduced costs, improved quality, enhanced customer preference and combined global resources. To understand the global consumer culture, (1,54) offers an categorization approach by integrating Roschs categorization theory into the discussion of whether consumer cultures globalize, glocalize or localize. The authors suggest that arguments for global consumer culture are made at the superordinate level. Levitt (1983) predicted the demise of local consumer culture, causing debates about viability of globally standardised marketing. Proponents of global consumer culture argue that cross border tourism, labour mobility (Holt et al. 2004) lead to standardisation of consumer demands (Alden et al 1999, Jain 1989). Advocates of local consumer culture argue that LCC remains resilient against such global forces (Jackson, 2004;Watts, 1996). However, meanings associated with the consumption factor are primarily functional or symbolic, causing the strength of the argument for a global consumer culture to vary between glocal and local consumer culture. Ghamewat, P (XX) also argues that the world today is not as globalised as many strategists believe. The world is not flat, he says, his view significantly differing from Thomas Friedman (XX)  [1]  Companies must find ways to manage differences and similarities within and across regions. Globalisation is relatively recent term, starting usage in 1960, however really starting to realise prominent existence since the 1990s. McLuhan, 1964 talks about a global village where people on earth live in a single social place. The local, however has to come to terms with the global. The mutual relationship also means that global is just plural versions of local. Hence, globalisation is always glocalisation (Robertson, 1995) captured as being global, but acting local. Glocalisation Phase 2 Glocalization In this phase, multinationals recognized that while Phases 1 had minimized costs, they werent as competitive in local markets as they needed to be. Therefore, they focused on winning market share by adapting global offerings to meet local needs. Innovation still originated with home-country needs, but products and services were later modified to win in each market. To meet the budgets of customers in poor countries, they sometimes de-featured existing products. Think Globally Act Locally (Glocal) is the at the core of international marketing departments and this defines the portmanteau word glocalisation. Early critics for global standardization talk about consumers needs and interests becoming homogenous, people willing to sacrifice product features, functions and designs, for high quality at low prices and huge economies of scale can be achieved through internationalisation. (1, 34) (1,37) (1, 37) glocalisation as a linear expansion of territorial scales should we include or not? Can also be included in globalisation (motives for globalisation, but we do not mention glocalisation in that stage yet, so unsure) Standardisation versus Adaptation, Homogenisation versus Tailoring these company activities are optimised when a company goes glocal. (1, 38) The term originated from the Japanese word dochakuka meaning global localization (do land, chaku arrive at, ka process of) (1,42) and came into existence with Japanese business practices as they brought their services in the 1980s to the USA (Japanese cars) (1,39; 1,40). The idea was applied to the marketing of products and affects all the Ps of the marketing mix. (1, 40) (1,36). The word glocal was coined by sociologist Ronald Robertson (1995). The erroneous assumption regarding homogeneity has led to firms to believe that their products will be accepted by international consumers. As studies show, their sales get saturated after a point, indicating the differences in consumer behaviour patterns. Company executives have started to innovate locally through learning of the intricacies of the foreign environment where they operate, understanding that this is the only way to leverage their global scale and reach (1, 43). Although most companies follow the notion Think Global, Act Local Glocalisation is more complex (Medeni 2004). Glocalisation was developed as a more holistic solution to globalisation and localisation, which is more sociological. (1, 41) (also glocalisation as a three level system; 1,37) In his paper, Vignali (2001) (1,36) differentiates between globalisation and internationalisation, defining the former as involving developing marketing strategies as if the world is a single entity, through full standardisation. He describes internationalisation however as incorporating customisation of marketing strategies for different regions of the world based on cultural, regional and national differences. This is in line with Levit (1983) who suggest multinational companies and global companies engage in internationalisation and globalisation respectively. (1, 38) Grune (1989) (1, 38) argues that multinationals pursue independent strategies in each foreign market and subsidiaries are essentially autonomous operations generating their own profits whilst finance and marketing efforts being coordinated by headquarters. Global companies operate as integrated systems with each subsidiary depending on the other for operations and strategy. Therefore multinationals localise while globals globalise (!) Globalisation and localisation may seem contradictory, however this mix of strategies are bound to coexist in the future. It takes into account the vast differences in practices, values, standards of living and taxation across the globe. At the core of the standardisation debate stands the argument to what extent, if at all, is it applicable to design, market and deliver existing offerings across national market boundaries (1, 34). The arguments set forth in this paper for glocalisation suggest that a distribution infrastructure is available for realisation of potential economies of scale, through successful global strategies since global market segments exist, as does global economies of scale. Tiplady (1, 35) adds that the situation is a bit complex and that globalisation does not only travel one way from the West to the Rest. The interconnected world allows ideas to transfer between nations and as they get to their new destination, they are adapted to fit the situation, meaning multinationals also learn within emerging country presence. It can be argued therefore, that reverse innovation is a type of glocalisation. Local realities shape these tweaks, for example Wal-Mart in China sells chicken feet and Chinese branded stewed pork ribs, also an indication of utilising local suppliers (tax breaks). (1, 35) Under the set of assumptions that developing countries are engaged in a slow and evolutionary process of catching up with the rich world, both economically and technologically, and they will import what they desire from the rich world, a strategy of glocalisation makes perfect sense. Firms can tap emerging markets by simply exporting lightly modified versions of global products developed for rich world customers mainly lower end models with fewer features. Glocalisation is essentially a simulation of the process of hybridization A process whereby cultural forms literally move through time and space where they interact with other cultural forms and settings, influence each other, produce new forms, and change the cultural settings. (Lull, 2000. P.242). Businesses not engaging in the process can be rejected by host country consumers, as the process of growth within these countries is organic and must happen through integration with the host culture e.g. Wal-Mart in Germany tried to naively reinforce American culture onto Germans, which led to unfavourable results. (1, 40). (1, 41) points out the important role of cutting edge technologies in advanced products and especially consumer electronics in glocalisation. Good for our reverse innovation hypotheses. When Wal-Mart tried entering Central and South America, it discovered it could not sustain by exporting only its existing formula it had to innovate. In his paper, Immelt (2009) (1, 17) suggests that the business model of adapting global offerings to local needs will not be sufficient given the slowdown of growth in rich countries. He suggests companies start reverse innovating, i.e. involve themselves in local innovation and then distributing them globally. He recognises that multinationals can adopt both strategies, there are some conflicts which must be resolved, and otherwise, emerging country multinationals, with good local knowledge will destroy giants like GE. Reverse Innovation As lastly described, due to the increasing potential of the consumer market within the poor people of emerging markets, MNEs have to start focussing more on these groups of customers. However, because of the drastic divergence in preferences Vijay argues that adaptation will not be sufficient anymore to cover the resulting differences. He defines the following gaps as the main reason of differentiating preferences. Performance Gap Customers in emerging countries have lower incomes than their contemporaries in the developed world. This causes them to demand products that deliver a lower performance from products, however at a much lower price/performance ratio. Infrastructure Gap The developed world has superior infrastructure, e.g. power, water supply, logistical solutions, political institutions, etc. These are all still under construction in the developing world and require some time to reach (or even surpass) the levels in the developed world. This means that consumers in poor countries require products that do not rely on dependable infrastructure. The implication for improved innovation from this gap is that these poor countries will adopt technologies that have either been proved to be useful in the developed world, and also technologies that are better. For example, wireless technology in India is sometimes more sophisticated than developed countries. Sustainability Gap Poor countries face stringent sustainability constraints, for example, India faces the threat of increased carbon emissions from its numerous industries. Problems such as these necessitate environmentally friendly products, which are often innovated locally, e.g. electrical cars in China, biodegradable energy (reference). Regulatory Gap Regulatory structures in developed countries are more sophisticated and require companies to go through a lot of bureaucracy before they may establish new innovations. Thus, emerging countries see regulatory hurdles quickly being passed through. This may also be due to the fact that emerging country governments want more solutions to solve their problems of high population, low education, poor healthcare, etc. Preferences Gap Tastes and preferences are different based on values and culture. Companies must be innovative to address these needs, and this requires a clean state assessment of the customers needs. Vijay argues that it becomes almost impossible to fill these vast gaps with the strategy of adaptation and essentially glocalisation. Thus, MNEs have to start from scratch utilising a clean slate approach for innovation, which is essentially part of the stage local innovation. The first out of two stages within the reverse innovation process. Mentioned gaps inhere the differences in views, traditions, cultures and experiences between the western rich world and the developing world with lower average income (Gobble, 2012). A good example of failing in an emerging market due to a glocal strategy, provided by several scholars (reference), is the failure of General Electric in the medical equipment sector. Describe book example_international business_page 28. Local innovation, as described by Vijay, functions as a bridge to overcome these differences. Immelt (2009) suggests companies to start the process with a multinationals focus on developing countries, innovating products in the country, for the country. They take a zero-based (or a clean slate) assessment of customer needs, as opposed to the notion that consumers will adopt the companys products which have been slightly altered for them. In this stage, the company can pool together its resources from around the world to innovate the most appropriate product for the local customer. This approach is into contrast to the existing glocal strategy where products are being globally standardized and designed from home and only marginally adapted to the local customers needs afterwards. Local innovation requires changes in the organisational structure, to include board of directors with individuals with superior understanding of emerging market needs. Leaders must understand that Stage 1: Local innovation Starting to realise that their glocal strategy was not suitable for the Chinese market anymore, GE created a low cost, portable ultrasound machine called the GE MAC 400. GEs conventional ultra sound machines were sophisticated, but very bulky and quite expensive, affordable by a select few in the emerging world. In 2002 GE launched this product in China combining a regular laptop with sophisticated software, selling for $30000. In 2008, this product was re-engineered and the new model sold for $15000.This new product is less than 15% of GEs contemporary offerings, and it was highly successful in emerging economies. This caused the mental map of GE to shift from the Triad (USA, Europe Japan) to the rest of the world  [2]  , and also initialised the idea of reverse innovation (taking learning back to the developed world)- Although local innovation might indicate an ultimate strategy to capture the entire potential customer population from BRIC countries like China and India, it does fulfil its role only partially. Vijay defines his theory being applicable to the middle- and especially low-end segment in the emerging markets. In the past, they have been neglected by western MNEs due to their focus on the high-end customer segments in emerging markets when utilising glocalisation. The low-end segment is providing an increasing opportunity for MNEs as it consists out of 4 billion people world-wide. Prahalad (2007) defines them as the bottom-of the pyramid with a purchasing power parity of approxamitely 5$ trillion dollars. Bottom-of the pyramid articles To meet the differences in customer preferences, different authors have identified similar theories about the product specifications needed. One theory isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.(different theories such as inclusive innovation, catalytic,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) explain inclusive, catalytic, grass roots innovation, below the radar innovation, appropriate technology, inclusive business, jugaad/ frugal innovation (focus on the last for our first major hypothesis) Factors identified by Prahalad: Affordable Products Emerging nations cannot afford goods priced for the US and Western Europe, which pushes companies to find inexpensive materials or manufacturing options. 2. Leapfrog Technologies Developing countries lack 20th century infrastructure and so have fast- forwarded to newer technologies such as mobile phones or solar energy. 3. Service Ecosystems Entrepreneurs in emerging markets often must rely on natural conditions and, therefore, should aim at building more eco-friendly products and services. 4. Robust Systems Emerging markets require products that work in rugged conditions. A gadget sturdy enough to survive monsoons in India is most likely to handle weather conditions in western countries also. 5. Newer Applications Customers in eme

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Role of Men in Adrienne Richs Of Woman Born Essay -- Adrienne Ric

The Role of Men in Of Woman Born  Ã‚   Adrienne Rich, via Of Woman Born, has created a wonderfully complex description and analysis of the condition of being a woman in our patriarchal American culture, or at least in the middle-class, white portion of it, as she acknowledges in the introduction to the 1986 edition of the book. Since I happen to fit into this category, I find this book to be very personally satisfying, although I can certainly imagine that Rich's writings wouldn't be completely applicable to all women in America. Rich examines the various issues surrounding multiple aspects of being a woman -- motherhood, relations with men, relations with children, relations with the patriarchy at large, etc. -- with a thoroughness that I find enlightening, honest-yet-hopeful, and refreshing. There were passages throughout the book that I found exciting because they confirmed or bolstered many of the ideas I've had about being a woman in this culture. I have long suspected that women and children are often fearful simply because they are the vulnerable members in a mal...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

British Author Research Paper Essay

Lord Bryon once said, â€Å"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song†. A satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision,or ridicule ( A well recognized satire is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Orwell wrote this allegorical novella in England when the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union was at its height and Stalin was held in highest esteem in Britain both among the people and government. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole, thus addressing the downfall of the Russian Revolution which was caused by its corrupt leaders and ignorant citizens. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25th 1903 in Bengal, India to a British colonial civil servant. About a year after his birth, Orwell was brought back to England by his mother along with his older sister. He began writing poems at the age of four, ultimately getting one of his poems published in a local newspaper. In 1911 he went to St. Cyprian’s, on a partial scholarship, in the coastal town of Eastbourne, where he got his first taste of England’s class system. There he began to read the works of Rudyard Kipling and H. G. Wells. He was exceptionally intelligent that he received a scholarship to study at Eton college. After graduating, Orwell joined the India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After five years, he resigned his post and returned to England. He wanted to try his luck as a writer. He would spend his time between England and Paris, thus writing his first major work Down and Out in Paris and London. He felt that it would embarrass his family, so he published it under the pseudonym George Orwell. He was not successful and began to take up any job offer just to make ends meet. He later published Burmese Days, which offered a dark look at British colonialism in Burma, then part of the country’s Indian empire. Orwell’s interest in political matters grew rapidly after this novel was published. In 1937, Orwell traveled to Spain, where he joined one of the groups fighting against General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was injured and left back for England. For years, Orwell had periods of sickness, and he was officially diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1938. Later, he landed a job with the BBC as a producer and in 1943 he became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper. Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the end of his life. Animal Farm was published in 1945 and Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. Orwell, however, was not able to enjoy his success due to his battle with tuberculosis. He died on January 21, 1950, in a London hospital. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. It has a population of 53,013,000 inhabitants. The official language is British English. Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England. The major form of Christianity practised is Anglicanism. English folklore is big part of English Culture. Some of the characters and stories are present across England, but most belong to specific regions. Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast. Various meat pies and sausages are consumed by the British. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Frequently consumed alcoholic drinks include wines, ciders and English beers, such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. England has a strong sporting heritage, and during the 19th century codified many sports that are now played around the world. Sports originating in England include association football, cricket, and rugby. The basic political system in England is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The monarch is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister is David Cameron MP. Animal Farm was published by Orwell on August 17th , 1945. This novel shows how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a people’s government is not achieved. The novel starts out with Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called â€Å"Beasts of England,† in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm and dedicate themselves to achieving Major’s dream. At first, Animal Farm prospers. Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other animals. After chasing Snowball away, Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisions—for the good of every animal. Napoleon orders the animals to construct a windmill, and the animals devote their efforts to completing it. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled. Napoleon claims that Snowball returned to the farm to sabotage the windmill. He uses this as an excuse to rid the farm of various animals who have allegedly participated in Snowball’s great conspiracy by giving them instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs. With his leadership unquestioned, Napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make Snowball a villain. Napoleon also begins to act more and more like a human being by sleeping in a bed, drinking whisky, and engaging in trade with neighboring farmers. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities, but Squealer justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone even though the other animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. Mr. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, cheats Napoleon in the purchase of some timber and then attacks the farm and dynamites the windmill, which had been rebuilt at great expense. After the demolition of the windmill, a pitched battle ensues. Napoleon then sells his most loyal and long-suffering worker, Boxer, to a glue maker in order to get money for whisky. Years pass on Animal Farm, and the pigs become more and more like human being by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. Eventually, the seven principles of Animalism, known as the Seven Commandments and inscribed on the side of the barn, become reduced to a single principle reading â€Å"all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.† Napoleon entertains a human farmer named Mr. Pilkington at a dinner and declares his intent to ally himself with the human farmers against the laboring classes of both the human and animal communities. He also changes the name of Animal Farm back to the Manor Farm, claiming that this title is the â€Å"correct† one. Looking in at the party of elites through the farmhouse window, the common animals can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the human beings. The story is meant to symbolize the downfall of the Russian Revolution and the corruption of Stalin. Old Major represents Karl Marx, as he originated Communism, hence Animalism. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The attack dogs represent the Red Army, while Boxer represents the soviet workers. The rise of Stalin after the Russian Revolution inspired Orwell to write Animal Farm. It is satire on equality, where all barnyard animals live free from their human masters’ tyranny. Inspired to rebel by Major, an old boar, animals on Mr. Jones’ Manor Farm embrace Animalism and stage a revolution to achieve an idealistic state of justice and progress. A power-hungry pig, Napoleon, becomes a totalitarian dictator who leads the Animal Farm into â€Å"All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others† oppression. As an English author, Orwell traditionally used fictional characters to represent actual humans. The novel is an exceptional work of satire and meets its purpose of portraying the truth about the Soviet Union and turning point of the Russian Revolution.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Music in the Roaring Twenties

MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE ROARING TWENTY’S [pic] ? Introduction The 1920s known as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† were a time of great change, economic growth, mass production, urbanization (farmers moved to larger industrial cities), cars, telephone, radio, record players and prohibition. It was a period of a new freedom for women. It was for Americans and western Europeans, a break period from the first world, a time for happiness and peace. Finally the Wall Street Crash of 1929, ended this period as the Great economic depression set in worldwide.The Roaring Twenties were the first golden age of the American music and often known as â€Å"The Jazz Age†. This â€Å"movement† in which jazz music grew in popularity, also influenced other parts of the world. However prior to the Jazz, dance was to dominate all forms of music. ? America export Music to the world When the American dancer Josephine Baker visited Berlin in 1925, at the time when Francis Scott Fitz gerald published the Great Gatsby in the US, she performed at the â€Å"Theater Des Westens† and found it dazzling. The city had a jewel-like sparkle,† she said, â€Å"the vast cafes reminded me of ocean liners powered by the rhythms of their orchestras. There was music everywhere. † Eager to look ahead after the crushing defeat of World War I. The music played in Berlin, Amsterdam, London, or Paris, mostly originated from small towns in America. ? Origins of music in the ‘roaring twenties’ Following World War I, around 500,000 African Americans in search of better employment opportunities moved to the northern part of the United States.They left their home towns of New Orleans, (Louisiana), or Saint Louis (Missouri), Kansas City (Missouri)†¦ With them, they brought their culture to the North in places like Chicago (Illinois), Detroit (Michigan), Cincinnati (Ohio), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), and York City (NY) which became the place for the â₠¬Å"Harlem Renaissance† During this period of time, the works of African Americans in fields such as writing and music escalated. Styles of music including Dixieland and blues became popular as well.Throughout the 1920's many people took an interest in music and in dance. They owned pianos, trumpets, saxophones, drums, bass, guitars, clarinets, trombones and played sheet music, listened to records and visited theatres, and dance clubs. With the help of radio broadcasting, new artists become famous all over the United States and for some around the world. ? Dance clubs in the 1920’s Dance clubs became enormously popular in the 1920s. Dance music came to dominate all forms of popular music by the late 1920s. Classical pieces, operettas, folk music, etc. ere all transformed into dance music in order to please young people much as the disco phenomena would later do in the late 1970s. For example, many of the songs from the 1929 Technicolor musical operetta The Rogue Song (st arring the Metropolitan Opera star Lawrence Tibbett) were rearranged and released as dance music and became popular club hits in 1929. Dance clubs across the U. S. sponsored dance contests, where dancers invented, tried, and competed with new moves. Professionals began to perform in tap dance and other dances across the United States.With the advent of talking pictures (sound film) musicals became the main attraction. Film studios flooded the box office with new musical films, many of which were filmed in ‘Technicolor’ ne of the most popular of these musicals, ‘Gold Diggers of Broadway’ became the most known film of the decade. Harlem played a key role in the development of dance styles. With several entertainment venues, people from all walks of life, all races, and all classes came together. The ‘Cotton Club’ featured black performers and catered to a white clientele, while the ‘Savoy Ballroom’ catered to a mostly black clientele . Popular dances & Musicians The most popular dances throughout the decade were the: foxtrot, waltz, and American tango. From the early 1920s, however, a variety of eccentric novelty dances were developed. The first of these were the Breakaway and Charleston. Both were based on African-American musical styles and beats, including the widely popular blues. The Charleston dance became popular after appearing along with the song, â€Å"The Charleston,† by James P. Johnson in the Broadway musical Runnin' Wild in 1923.Although the origins of the dance are obscure, the dance has been traced back to blacks who lived on an island off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina (which is why the dance is called â€Å"Charleston†). A brief Black Bottom dance, originating from the Apollo Theatre in Haarlem (NY), swept dance halls from 1926 to 1927, replacing the Charleston in popularity. By 1927, the Lindy Hop, a dance based on Breakaway and Charleston and integrating elements of tap , became the dominant social dance. Developed in the Savoy Ballroom, it was set to stride piano ragtime jazz.The Lindy Hop would later evolve into Swing dance. These dances, nonetheless, were danced by small groups of people. The majority of people continued to dance the foxtrot, waltz, and tango. On the singing side, top singers were Nick Lucas, Scrappy Lambert, Frank Munn, Lewis James , Gene Austin, Franklyn Baur, Johnny Marvin, and Ruth Etting. Leading orchestra leaders included Bob Haring, Harry Horlick, Louis Katzman, Leo Reisman, Victor Arden, Phil Ohman, George Olsen, Ted Lewis, Abe Lyman, Ben Selvin, Nat Shilkret, Fred Waring, and Paul Whiteman. ? All that jazz in the 1920’sHowever, despite all these trends and forms of music, the most known would remain the Jazz. Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. One name, o ne of the most famous jazz musicians of all time, is worth mentioning. Louis Daniel Armstrong (1901 – 1971), from New Orleans, Louisiana, displayed his amazing talents as a trumpeter, cornet player, and singer during the Jazz Age. He studied and played with a famed cornet player named Joseph â€Å"King Oliver† Oliver (1885 – 1938).In 1925, â€Å"Satchmo,† (his nickname) who had learned to play cornet at the age of twelve, started The Hot Fives. The band would later gain two more musicians and was appropriately renamed The Hot Sevens. He did not restrict his talents to just music, however. He also starred in films such as Pennies from Heaven. He continued working in the last three years of his life, most of which was spent in hospitals. He died at home on July 6, 1971. Some of the many artists of that time also included Duke Ellington (1899 – 1974), Joseph â€Å"King Oliver† Oliver (1885 – 1938), Bessie Smith (1894? 1937), Benny Goodma n (1909 – 1986), and Ma Rainey. ? Conclusion: The Roaring Twenties: a golden age for American Music and dance The Roaring Twenties period has long been considered a golden era of American society; the standard of living was rising, morality was being re-defined, innovation and business was soaring, and the general public perceived that times were good. It has been considered also as a golden age for the music and entertainment industry such as dance, theatre and film industry. Definition: The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the 1920s and 1930s. At the time, it was known as the â€Å"New Negro Movement†, named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke. Though it was centered in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, many French-speaking black writers from African and Caribbean colonies who lived in Paris were also influenced by the Harlem Renaissance. PICTURES [pic] New York Dance Club 1923 [pic] Jazz Orchestra Houston Tx. [pic] Fashion models l istening to radio [pic] News [pic] Dance club  : Cotton Club [pic]